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Tank filling station

Regulator bench

Closeup of dive computer

Gear rack at Scuba North

Copyright © Scuba North

Scuba North shop interior

Scuba North Sales and Service

Discover the clear advantages of having a real person help you select and be fitted for all the components of your dive gear.

The people at Scuba North are divers who really know their stuff. They draw upon extensive diving experience to help you assemble a rig that fits you, your skill level, and your diving ambitions. They can answer your questions on the spot and vouch for the quality and safety of the products they sell and service.

How important is it to choose the right dive gear? Right after training and experience, it makes the difference between a safe, comfortable and enjoyable underwater adventure and, well, somewhere you don't want to go. Let Scuba North start you out right!

And for that indispensable diving component, compressed breathing gas, we offer the full range of air, oxygen, nitrox and trimix fills.

These are the brand names that meet Scuba North's high standards for quality and value:

Deep See
Dive Rite
Fourth Element
Light Monkey cannister lights
Princeton Tec lights
Sea Life
Sea Quest
Shearwater Computers
Sub Gear
XS Scuba